Star Professional Software Solutions

  1. Star Professional Software Solutions Inc
  2. Star Professional Software Solutions Software

We are an advisory and consulting firm serving users across the USA. We are the stars who believe in creating an amazing customer experience for a lifetime. We focus on helping our users with the problems related to their Career, Finance, Technology, Education and Branding. Our stars are highly skilled advisors and consultants who believe in “Happiness for Lifetime” for all our users.

We are the stars to guide you in all your ups and downs. We believe in Customers for a
nlifetime where we give advisory and consulting for all your needs. We work on customer satisfaction by supporting you with education and recommendations to overcome all your problems</h3>','tablet':','phone':'

nlifetime where we give advisory and consulting for all your needs. We work on customer satisfaction by supporting you with education and recommendations to overcome all your problems</h3>'}},'slug':'et_pb_text'}'>

We are the stars to guide you in all your ups and downs. We believe in Customers for a
lifetime where we give advisory and consulting for all your needs. We work on customer satisfaction by supporting you with education and recommendations to overcome all your problems


Our stars study your requirement and analyse the need in a way that we find the root cause of your requirement and plan to fix it for the longest term or forever

From back room to receiving dock to sales floor and beyond, our mobile solutions give you the freedom to take control of your inventory and product management from anywhere in the store. Speed up the checkout line with easy to use line busting and improve customer service with innovative tablet and mobile printing solutions. Star Quotes/Estimating: Star Fax Cover Sheet Creator: Star Purchase Orders: Create. Print, and store your Quotes or Estimates. Create, edit, and print a professional Fax Cover Sheet with a few clicks of the mouse. Print, and store your Purchase Orders. You can access information about all. Simplify your software search in just 15 minutes. Call us today for a fast, free consultation. Get the Most Out of Your BuildPro Solutions. At Hyphen Solutions, we want builders to be able to use our solutions to their fullest extent. Our professional services team has the expertise necessary to partner with you to help implement our project management software into your processes, develop new tools,and build customized reports.

Star Professional Software Solutions

Since 1999, ProStar Solutions has been a leading provider of IT support and consulting, focusing on small and medium sized businesses in the Las Vegas area. We have helped hundreds of businesses increase productivity and profitability by making IT a streamlined part of operations.


We generate the demand for what needs to be done to fulfil your requirement by examining the root cause of your requirement


Star Professional Software Solutions Inc

Our Stars recommends you the best referrals to fulfil your requirement through our deep research and analysis process.


Our Stars have a very deep experience and knowledge to help you with the best recommendations to conquer your financial goals and achieve the desired outcome.

System Support

With a piece of great knowledge and experience, Our Stars helps you to resolve all the technical issues regarding your desktop, Laptop, smartphones, smart gadgets and electronics. Let the star guide you to fix all the technical issues you are facing


Star professional software solutions inc
Take your career to the desired level with the help of our Stars. Let the star guide you at every step of building your career


The Study, Examination and Recommendations by our STARS for all your needs. Are you worried about your Finances? Are you not able to plan and achieve your career goals? Are you facing technical issues which stops you to grow? Are you afraid of unknown phone calls, emails and letters? Worried about your debt? Don’t worry! Our Stars are here to guide and help you with all the above issues and many more, Let the star guide you!

Our Stars are here to guide you with your Financial, Career and technology-related requirements. We are not limited and are open to all your other requirements as well through our SER services..


Our Stars are here to make your life easy and support you at every stage of your life. Our Blogs will help you to know latest financial, Career and technology-related market trends and updates. Keep yourself updated with the current market trends with our blogs. Let the star guide you!

A Guide to Ordering Supplies Online

As you get more seasoned, you may discover you face an ever-increasing number of hospital expenses. Regardless of how incredible your protection inclusion is or on the off chance that you are on Medicare, the cash based expenses because of clinical needs can include....

How to Apply for Social Security

As you approach retirement and consider applying for Social Security benefits, there are a few stages you should take. The arrangements for your Social Security application incorporate get-together the correct archives, rounding out the administrative work, pondering...

Things you should know before going for an interview

Preparation is key for any prospective job interview. Preparing for an interview needs the following progression of steps you should take paving the way to the interview, to help maximize your chances of success: The week before the interview: 1. Get your work done...

How you protect your credit during COVID-19 pandemic

Your FICO ratings decide much beyond what the credits you can get and the interest rates you pay. Insurers use FICO ratings to set premiums for auto and mortgage holder's inclusion. Here are some steps through which you can manage and ensure your credit during the...

Why it is Important to Monitor Your Credit Report

Monitoring your credit is crucial for several reasons. If you are not currently monitoring your credit, here are some benefits you are missing out on: • Improve your financial health. Your credit profile is a good indicator of your overall financial health, and...

Star Professional Software Solutions Software

24/7 customer support

Stars are available to guide you 24/7. Contact Our stars today!

Free consultation for your needs

One of the best ways to show respect to your needs is by giving you a free consultation. You are already in need and charging you for this doesn’t fit in our business’ values. Contact our stars today and let the Star guide you!

Contact Our Stars Today!

Get in contact with our Stars today to live your best life.

+1 877-213-1703

Professional Software Solutions Limited (PSSL) was founded in 1987 to distribute software for IBM Mid-Range systems. Since then, it has established distribution agreements with eight software developers and now some fifteen software systems for IBM System i, iSeries and AS/400 platforms.

PSSL has established a close working relationship with the CYBRA Corporation, whose MarkMagic bar code label design and printing software is widely used in Europe and on the North American continent. PSSL has established a UK and European user-base for MarkMagic on a wide variety of supported printers and provides installation and support services.

The CYBRA EdgeMagic RFID management software is a recent development, providing a System i or multi-platform solution for the production and management of RFID tags and the management of RFID antenae, readers and associated software systems.

PSSL is a distributor ofLXI Corporation's range of Enterprise storage products, including Media Management System, an integrated tape management, backup and restore system for the IBM System i range. This is widely used in Europe, North America and many other countries and is increasingly being used by major enterprises, particularly in conjunction with IBM's and StorageTek's range of tape library severs for tape library management and disaster recovery purposes.

PSSL resellers the leading spool and database solution for the System i server called CoolSpools. CoolSpools converts spool files and data base files to PDF, excel and other formats, enabling you to move away from paper-based documents and save time and money by distributing information automatically in electronic formats.

PSSL is an IBM Advanced Business Partner which allows it access to the latest IBM System i, iSeries & AS/400 Technology and Software Development. The company offers support for all of the systems it markets. It has in-depth technical expertise gained in over 30 years of programming experience in IBM Mid-Range systems.