Frekuensi Generator

  1. Pengaturan Primer Generator akan:. menambah keluaran MW, ketika merasakan frekuensi sistem rendah;. mengurangi keluaran MW, ketika merasakan frekuensi sistem tinggi. Pengaturan primer tanpa perintah dari pusat pengatur.
  2. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan pengendali frekuensi pada tubin-generator suatu pembangkit listik, contohnya PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap). Frekuensi dari turbin uap harus dijaga.
  3. Sedangkan frekuensi radio atau RF sendiri berkisar antara 3 KHz hingga 300 GHz. Radio frekuensi atau RF atau gelombang radio merupakan unit pengukuran frekuensi gelombang yang sesuai dengan satu siklus per detik. Gelombang elektromagnetik pada daerah spektrum bisa ditransmisikan dengan memakai generator arus bolak balik yang terjadi karena satelit.
  4. Generator induksi beroperasi pada tegangan dan frekuensi yang tidak aman untuk disuplai ke beban. Dalam hal ini perlu dilakukan pengaturan tegangan dan frekuensi output generator induksi. Metode yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatur tegangan dan frekuensi output generator induksi adalah menggunakan rangkaian Voltage Source Inverter (VSI).

Generator juga dijadikan alat untuk mendeteksi frekuensi dari suatu gerakan kinetik. Pada beberapa alat ukur, prinsip kerja generator digunakan untuk mengukur suatu pergerakan. Sumber energi generator, berasal dari berbagai macam. Contoh yang paling mudah pada pembangkit listrik, maka sumber tenaganya berasal dari kincir yang digerakan oleh.

Test Tone and Sound Generator

Generate WaveformsSine wave, square wave and more

Test TonesRadio audio level alignment

Tone SettingsConstant, mono, stereo and more

Play or Save TonesPlay or save tones as a wav file

Tone Generator is an easy-to-use program that can be used as a sine wave generator, sound frequency generator or signal generator that can create audio test tones, sweeps or noise waveforms.

Download Tone Generator Software for Windows

Tone Generator Applications
  • Generate test tones for radio audio level alignment
  • Calibration and testing of sound equipment or speakers
  • Demonstration of audio principles to students
  • Create harmonics by generating multiple sound frequencies
  • Acoustics testing and equalization
  • White noise generator
  • Audio band signaling
  • Hearing tests (under medical supervision)
Tone Generator Features
  • Generate sine wave, square wave, triangular waveform, saw tooth waveform and impulse sound waves
  • White noise generator or pink noise generator
  • Sound generator supports frequencies from 1Hz to 22kHz
    (subject to sound card output capabilities)
  • Simultaneous tone generation of up to 16 tones at once
  • Mono or separate stereo operation for dual tones or beats
  • Log or linear sweep tone generation
  • Play generated tones or save tones as a wav file

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Audio Frekuensi Generator

You can damage your hearing or your speakers if you play tones at extreme volumes.People can’t hear sounds < 20 Hz and > 10,000 Hz very well. If you turn up the volume on your device to compensate,you could expose yourself to harmful sound levels and your speakers to harmful currents.To be safe, note the volume level that allows you to listen to a 1,000 Hz tone without discomfort and do not stray too farabove this level, even if you can’t hear much – especially in the high range, where your hearing is the most fragile.


To play a constant tone, click or press Space.

To change the frequency, drag the slider or press (arrow keys).To adjust the frequency by 1 Hz, use thebuttons or press Shift + ← and Shift + →.To adjust the frequency by 0.01 Hz, press Ctrl + ← and Ctrl + →;to adjust it by 0.001 Hz, press Ctrl + Shift + ← and Ctrl + Shift+ →To halve/double the frequency (go down/up one octave), click and .

To change the wave type from a sine wave (pure tone) to a square/triangle/sawtooth wave, click thebutton.

You can mix tones by opening the Online Tone Generatorin several browser tabs.

What can I use this tone generator for?

Tuning instruments, science experiments (what’s the resonant frequency of this wineglass?), testing audio equipment(how low does my subwoofer go?), testing your hearing (what’s the highest frequency you can hear? are there frequenciesyou can hear in only one ear?).

Tinnitus frequency matching.If you have pure-tone tinnitus, this online frequency generator can help you determine its frequency.Knowing your tinnitus frequency can enable you to better target masking sounds and frequency discrimination training.When you find a frequency that seems to match your tinnitus, make sure you check frequenciesone octave higher (frequency × 2) and one octave lower (frequency × ½), as it is easy to confusetones that are one octave apart.

Alzheimer’s disease.There is some early-stage scientific evidence that listening to a 40 Hz tonecan reverse some of the molecular changes in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. This is one of these things that sound too good to be true,but early results are very promising. Here’s asummary of the research so far and a report from a user whotried 40 Hz therapy on his wife.(Note that this tone generator is not a medical device – I don’t guarantee anything!)


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If you use the Online Tone Generator and find it helpful, please support it with a little bit of money.Here’s the deal:My goal is to keep maintaining this site to make sure it stays compatible withcurrent browser versions. Unfortunately, this takes a non-trivial amount of time (for example, figuringout an obscure browser bug can take many hours of work), which is a problem becauseI have to make a living. Donations from awesome, good-looking users like you buy me time to keep things running.

So if you think this tone generator is worth it, please support it with some money to help keep it online.The amount is entirely up to you – I only ask for what you consider fair price for the value you’re getting.Thanks!