Bot Para Tibia 7.4
Here you can download Rifbot - Tibia 7.4 Bot. Rifbot support Windows platform. Low cpu usage allow to run multiple bots. Downlaod the newst 1.75 version (released 2020-11-23 09:45 Imperianic patch). LoftyBot Tibia Bot 7.4 – 12 OTS. Lofty Tibia Bot having many advanced functions. Supports multi OTS all tibia versions. Automates most aspects of the game.
The most advanced Tibia bot. Cavebot Scripts Lots of scripts ready to use. Elite Knight level 250+ Oramond Sewers. Royal Paladin level 300+ Pirates Yalahar. Elite Knight level 50+ Krailos Nightmare Cave. Elite Knight level 180+ Sea Serpents Tasker. Welcome to LoftyBot - Tibia Bot. Supports all OTS 7.4 - RL 11 We provide one an only bot for all Tibia Open Servers 7.4 - 11+ RL Tibia. Make your tibia life better.

Elf Bot Para Tibia 7.4

* Light Hack
* Auto spell caster

Bot Para Tibia 7.4
Bot Para Tibia Classic 7.4
Allways clean and trusted |
Easier Wars with Character Lists
Bot Para Tibia 7.4 Exp
Thanks to x3tBot you will manage the war on a easy way, control your emenies, alerts when they login, track as many guilds you want, check how many levels they took in last days...
Some online lists features:
- Unlimited number of character lists
- Neutral List
- Death tracker
- Guild Watch system
- Improved warning system
- Dead, level, masslog... Alerts
- Poke, Channel or Private message alerts
- Custom settings for each list
- Add comments for each character
- Control your enemys levels
- Option to control lists with Teamspeak Commands